

            The recent pandemic sent shockwaves throughout the world, affecting nearly every aspect of marketing in a number of far-reaching ways. Some

Building an Online Promotional Strategy             Having an online promotional strategy is crucial for a company; its potential success or failure can

What is Meant by Supply Chain Transparency?             Ever since the 1904 publication of Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle, shed light on the

What is Digital Media Marketing?             Digital media can be defined as any method of transmitting information by means of an electronic

Marketing guru Scott Mann shares his thoughts on running a “collective” agency model, lead generation, social media automation, the current state of

What Is Omnichannel Marketing?             Marketing channels are the vehicles used by companies to communicate with their customers. Such channels might encompass

What Makes Up a Content Strategy?             While content marketing is focused on coming up with specific content to publish and promote,

What is Disruptive Innovation?             The term “disruptive innovation,” coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, refers to the process by

What Does it Mean to Personalize?             The practice of personalization in digital marketing occurs when companies tailor their advertising to fit

Defining Customer Experience             Customer experience, also referred to as CX, encompasses all of the interactions people have with a company, from

What is a Strategic Planning Process?             A strategic planning process is a tool that a company can use in order to

What Is a Marketing Environment? ­            A marketing environment is the sum total of the different components that make up a company’s

How Do Supply Chains Function?             Supply chains are networks spanning a spectrum that run the entire gamut of the production and

What Are Marketing Metrics?             The term “marketing metrics” refers to the practice of measuring a company’s progress over time, through monitoring

Traditional Marketing Mainstays             Simply put, traditional marketing can be defined as any marketing that is not conducted online. Also referred to

What are Online Brand Communities?             Online brand communities are made up of groups of people who have come together around a shared

What is a Customer Journey?             A customer journey describes the sum total of experiences a customer goes through while interacting with

What Are Consumer Attitudes?             Generally speaking, attitudes are the beliefs, perceptions, and emotions that people have toward the people, places, and

Why Social Media Marketing Works             The publishing industry was one of the first to take advantage of the practice of social

What is Content Strategy?             Content strategy refers to the practice of using marketing goals as a basis for the creation of

What is Emotional Marketing?             Emotional marketing refers to the practice of appealing to human emotions in advertising for the purpose of

How Do Cultural Differences Impact Branding?             The term “culture” describes the particular way groups of people live, encompassing their accumulated stores

What is Social Listening?             Although the term “social listening” sounds like it refers to eavesdropping on neighbors, in the marketing world it

Traditional Uses of the Rule of 7             The Rule of 7 was given credence as a marketing strategy by author and

Why Does Digital Storytelling Work?             The practice of focusing on digital stories in marketing can be considered the modern embodiment of

What Are Customer Personas?             Customer personas, also referred to as buyer personas, are made-up identities embodying qualities and characteristics that companies

How Does Social Media Influence Consumers?             Given people’s dedication to social media in today’s world—crossing the barriers of age, class, race

 Making Decisions Using Intuition             Intuition can be seen as a type of knowledge that is based on our experience and is

Robert Cialdini’s 6 Laws of Influence            In 1984, Robert Cialdini published his book, Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion, identifying specific factors that contribute

What is Google Analytics?             Google Analytics is a digital tool that allows companies to measure and evaluate the key elements of

Brand Tracking             In the words of marketing writer Alina Gorbatch, “The term ‘brand health’ tends to confuse people. Is it just

Tableau vs. Excel

Why Use Excel?             As marketer Kevin Hector has pointed out, “The global economy is built on two things: the internal combustion

The Importance of Establishing Brand Equity             Brand equity refers to how consumers respond to a particular brand, and in fact can

What is Data Visualization? In data visualization, information is presented in the form of a picture, a map or a graph. This

What is Brand Storytelling?  Brand storytelling can be defined as the practice of “using a narrative to connect your brand to customers,

Flat File Databases: Pros and Cons             The flat file database structure was created during the earliest use of computer processing. In

What is Neuromarketing?             Neuromarketing refers to the area of market research that focuses on  consumers’ responses to stimuli presented to them

What is Price Elasticity?             Price elasticity, often referred to as price elasticity of demand, measures the quantity demanded for any given

SWOTing the Competition

What is a SWOT Analysis?             A SWOT analysis is an evaluation tool that compiles a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Why Break-Even Calculation is Important              Break-even analysis is a method of calculating what the margin of safety is in a company,

The Personal Brand Defined             Personal brand has been defined as, “…a widely-recognized and largely uniform perception or impression of an individual

What is Market Share?             The term “market share” refers to a company’s share, or portion, of the market of which it

Brand resonance is a term that refers to the relationship between consumers and products, describing the ways people identify with and relate

What is Nielsen?               Nielsen is a global research and analytics company. Its primary objective is to provide information pertaining to market

What Is Brand Equity?             Brand equity is a term used to describe the influence a brand name has on consumers, measuring

According to Google, ad campaigns are “A set of ad groups (ads, keywords, and bids) that share a budget, location targeting, and

         According to marketer Jessica Jane Nel of the University of South Africa, “Musicians are cultural entrepreneurs, operating as human brands.” 

    When preparing for an interview, it is essential to formulate questions based on the purpose of the interview.  In marketing, most

          Music is central to the lives of many people.  A great many of these people connect with their favorite artists on a

         According to Entrepreneur magazine, market research is “The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about

            Traditionally, a roadmap is a list of directions used to get from one point to another.  This concept is often employed

                  The music industry has turned digital.  Whether we like it or not, the

            The world is a lot larger than any of us can even fathom.  This creates an incredible potential for artists to promote their music outside

            An effective way to market your product is to use a short instructional video describing its purpose, its benefits, and reasons why consumers should choose your product rather

            So you have a vision. You understand your mission. You’ve laid all the groundwork. You have a marketing plan completed and

            A wise woman once told me, “Your Facebook page is meant to tell a story, your story.”  I have come to see that

            Digital communication can be separated into three areas: online, social media, and mobile.  Although they often coincide with one another, they

People love watching lyric videos.  This has come to my attention time and time again over the years that I have worked in

          One of my favorite thinkers in marketing is Seth Godin.  Among his most famous works is a

                The title of this article sounds redundant doesn’t it?  Shouldn’t it be common sense to use music to market music?  If

        Nike was founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman and was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports.  In

            According to PersonalBrand.com, a personal brand can be summarized as “…a widely-recognized and largely-uniform perception or impression of an individual based

       The music industry exists in a highly saturated market.  Most of the money is made either by highly skilled

                It was 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 1981.  A new media format was born as MTV debuted the first music video

                When most people think of music, they attribute it to one of the arts.  Of course, there is some truth to

                Have you ever heard the popular phrase “First Impression is a Lasting Impression”?  Well, I’ve found that to be true, especially

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