
Who is otis?


Born and raised in the City of Boston, MA, Otis Kopp is a creative visionary who has established himself as a web developer, graphic designer, and social media marketer.  Since relocating to South Florida in 2002, he has earned both a Bachelor Degree and Master of Science in Marketing from Florida International University. He is currently a Doctoral Candidate researching the use of AI in Digital Marketing for his dissertation.  

As a CSM® and PMP®, he is a motivated professional with over a decade of management and team leadership roles; a public speaker, teacher, and author; having experience working both individually and on teams, remotely and in an office environment, both in traditional and agile workflows.


Knowledge and Educational Background

Doctor of Business (DBA) from Florida International University (Candidate)

Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science in Marketing (MSM) from Florida International University

Proficiencies in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, WordPress, HTML5 and CSS3, as well as JavaScript with an emphasis on the ReactJS and Vue.js frameworks

Knowledge of design functionality including design theory and illustration

Core Values

My core values are centered around my worldview as a Christian.  

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