
Cashing in on Social Media

Why Social Media Marketing Works

            The publishing industry was one of the first to take advantage of the practice of social media marketing. It became a means of attracting users to certain websites, while at the same time sharing pertinent content with widespread audiences. Since its earliest uses in marketing, the entire realm of social media has exploded, providing nearly limitless opportunities for companies to exploit for promotional and advertising purposes. In the current marketing world, even more comprehensive applications have become possible. A company can utilize social media to create a sense of identity, cultivating positive associations for its brand. Social media also allows direct communication with consumers, through social listening and other methods of engagement. As observed by digital marketer, Nathan Thompson, “It’s a rookie mistake to think that your business just needs to ‘close the sale.’ Instead, social media opens the lines of communication between you and your customer base. This reduces your churn rate and leads to repeat customers in the future.” (https://optinmonster.com). The more a company can remained engaged with its customers, the easier it will be for it to realize its marketing objectives.

            To increase the likelihood of successful social media strategies, a company needs to be clear about its marketing goals. Having the objective of developing a loyal following for a brand might require a different focus than what is required to increase sales, or to drive traffic to company websites. Whichever specific goals may be identified, a wide variety of advantages exist, across the board, that make social media marketing indispensable. These days, a social media presence is a key factor in establishing and maintaining brand awareness, often accomplished by creating a unique brand personality. Being tuned in to social media also enables a company to evaluate its competition, while at the same time highlighting ways it might stand out from the crowd. Of course, social media marketing is still an excellent way to generate leads and sales, efficiently growing a brand’s audience and establishing consistent levels of customer loyalty. In order to find and engage the right audiences, a company needs to stay up to date with different trends, periodically making use of monitoring tools in order to gauge the effectiveness of its content and campaigns.

Finding the Most Effective Platforms

            When planning social media marketing strategies, a company should begin by conducting consumer research, paying attention to social media demographics rather than basing decisions on assumptions about what might appeal to its target audience. It goes without saying that different social media platforms appeal to different people. For example, research shows that Facebook and YouTube have high-earning consumer bases, that TikTok users tend to be attracted to bold, original content, and that women far outnumber men on Pinterest. These are only a few trending considerations for a company to keep in mind when choosing marketing platforms, and designing content to best fit them. Content writer, Kiely Kuligowski, points out: “Not every social media platform is a good fit for every business, so you should invest your time and skills in the platforms where you’re most likely to reach and engage with your target audience. Each platform has a mission, purpose, and unique audience. For example, Instagram is heavy on visuals, whereas Twitter allows you to inject some personality into your posts and engage with followers.” (https://businessnewsdaily.com).

            When deciding which social media platforms to employ, a company would do well to ask itself certain questions, such as: What is our brand personality? What type of content might best attract our target audience? Would it be most effective to use images, links to websites, or videos? Do we want primarily to offer educational content, or do we want to focus on entertainment? Answering these questions can ignite the process of designing the right vehicles and content for social media marketing strategies, as well as helping to determine which platforms might be the most suitable. Continual monitoring of posted material is also essential. A number of platforms contain built-in analytics that a company can make use of in order to rate and measure results, including such options as counting followers and keeping track of engagement rates. Additional data can be processed using services such as Google Analytics, as well as other tracking tools. The metrics gained in this way can prove to be invaluable when it comes to making optimal use of the ever-growing variety of social media marketing possibilities.

Social Media Marketing Tips

            Once a company has identified its goals, determined which platforms would be the best ones on which to focus its marketing efforts, and developed the appropriate vehicles and content, the real work begins. Planning must be done in terms of managing its posts; scheduling tools can be accessed that will publish content automatically at predetermined times. Keeping track of feedback about brands by monitoring social media conversations is also an essential strategy; there are a number of listening and engagement tools that can be employed to do this. Throughout the entire process, a company’s performance on its selected platforms needs to be continually observed and evaluated. This might be best accomplished by employing one of a number of analytic tools designed for the purpose. Another strategy for a company to consider is the placement of paid advertising on social media platforms. Facebook ads, for example, have proven to be enormously cost-efficient, due in large part to the specificity of consumer-targeting that is available on them. 

(Picture courtesy of the movie E.T. and Universal Pictures)

            Perhaps the most effective piece of advice for a company to take to heart can be boiled down to one single suggestion: establish a vital connection with consumers at every opportunity. Social media provides an unprecedented milieu for cultivating strong bonds, due in large part to its capacity to engage directly with users. There are many different messaging techniques that can be used, such as including consumer-generated content and hashtags, and asking questions that encourage responses. Establishing the practice of good social customer care goes far in boosting a brand’s reputation. Furthermore, providing a personal rapport with consumers lets them know that real people are behind a brand, people who care about their opinions and input. As long as a company’s content is current, appealing, and specifically directed toward its target audience, that audience will continue to follow it and share it with others. According to web engineer, Brady Dukart, “Customers follow and interact with the brands they enjoy. It’s an obvious direct correlation: If customers follow you, they are more likely to choose you versus your competition. Furthermore, if they’re loyal customers, they’ll increase your traffic.” (https://coschedule.com).

About the Author:

LinkedIn: @OtisKopp
Twitter: @OtisKopp617