
Marketing in a Digital World

What is Digital Media Marketing?

            Digital media can be defined as any method of transmitting information by means of an electronic device, most often relying on that means for the creation, the distribution, and the viewing of that information. Speaking of digital media as a marketing strategy generally refers to the process of distributing content via digital channels, such as emails, search engines, websites, and an ever-growing assortment of social media platforms. These days, the enterprise of digital marketing is focused on transmitting marketing information over an enormous network, concentrating on identifying target audiences and reaching them in the most effective ways. While digital marketing can be considered to be the entire range of strategies utilizing digital technologies, digital media refers specifically to the various tools employed in order to put those strategies into practice. Digital media’s impact on marketing cannot be overestimated. As marketing executive, Sanjay Dholakia, observes, “Digital is at the core of everything in marketing today—it has gone from ‘one of the things marketing does’ to ‘THE thing that marketing does’.” (https://marketo.com).

            The prevalence of digital media has dramatically altered the way that people do business, enabling companies and consumers to establish and maintain communication across distances, and even over time. This greater accessibility allows companies to connect with their customers in order to market products and services in a highly targeted, and even personalized manner. These increased options can be maximized even further through strategic planning. Content strategist, Shawn Manaher, addresses this when he points out: “In the current digital age, businesses are built and strengthened with powerful and smart digital marketing strategies. Without planning your digital marketing campaign, you’re not able to generate engagements; and that means a failed business. That’s where digital media, facilitated through the right channels and converting content, comes in, to help brands be everywhere. With the media spotlight, it’s possible to reach out to many people and spread converting words about the company.” (https://thecontentauthority.com).

3 Types of Digital Media

            Through the strategic use of different types of digital media, companies have the power to target and reach a greater number of people, increasing the level of exposure for their brands. Since generating engagement is a primary digital marketing objective, companies need to strive to spread the word about what they have to offer in as comprehensive a way as possible. To achieve this goal, it becomes crucial to employ the digital marketing options most likely to communicate with the right consumers through the right channels at the right time. Marketers have identified three types of digital media that embody different approaches to make brands better known and to reach and communicate with target audiences. Each of the three types—Earned, Owned, and Paid—can prove to be an effective digital marketing strategy. According to marketing consultant, Jon Allo, “To run a successful business today you need a strategic marketing plan to make sure your branding and marketing will reach as many existing and potential customers as possible.” Addressing the three digital media types, he goes on to say that all three of them “will boost your audience reach. Of course, it will vary the way your target audience encounters your brand. If you want to boost brand awareness and increase sales, you want a combination of all 3 to blend them into new marketing strategies.” (https://jonall.com).

            One type, Earned Media, describes any content or brand mention that originates outside of a company, but that works to benefit that company. This is generally free exposure, and can be considered the digital version of word-of-mouth advertising. Customer reviews provide an especially effective form of Earned Media, as do various social media platforms that can offer reposts, mentions, and likes of brands. Owned Media refers to the channels that a company permanently owns, generating content about its products and services directly through them. Examples of Owned media might include company-controlled websites, blogs and videos. Paid Media involves the use of marketing platforms in which a company can invest resources, in an effort to reach more potential customers than would be possible using the other two types. Paid media can include display ads, Google’s AdWords, and paid links on social media platforms. Companies need to conduct sufficient research in order to ascertain which type of digital media represents the best option for their marketing endeavors.

Merits of Digital Media Marketing

            Once upon a time, traditional marketing methods, which can be defined as those that don’t employ electronic techniques, were the only choices available to marketers. Such approaches, which include methods such as direct mailings, coupons, radio and television ads, magazine and newspaper ads, billboards, flyers, and a wide variety of other possibilities, have for decades come to represent the very definition of advertising. However, with the advent of the internet, marketing strategies have swiftly evolved in a constant effort to keep up with new technologies and trends. There are certain advantages to traditional marketing, even in today’s digital age. It can be more effective when trying to reach an older demographic, and also continues to be an effective means of promotion for local businesses to use. And, for those who still spend the majority of their nightly entertainment time watching commercial television, there is something to be said about the constant and repetitive onslaught of tv ads. The reason that so many traditional marketing methods have stuck around for so long is that they work. 

            That being said, digital media marketing is most likely the most effective approach for most companies, enabling them to reach a greater number of consumers, target them more effectively, and direct information about products and services in the most efficient ways. Digital media techniques also allow companies to collect valuable data about consumers that can be accessed immediately, and then used to create more effective future campaigns. Through the use of digital media, companies can not only track their customers’ buying habits, but they can also effectively provide many opportunities for consumer engagement with their brands. In the words of digital manager, Lauryn Preston, “Because more consumers turn to technology for their shopping needs, as a business you need to use digital marketing to reach those customers. In order to thrive, businesses must have a digital presence.” (https://www.digitallogic.com). And this presence can only be created through the strategic employment of digital media.

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About the Author:

LinkedIn: @OtisKopp
Twitter: @OtisKopp617